
Briefly get aligned each day and support each other in achieving goals.

Better Overview

Dailys are a key component of one of the most well-known agile methods: SCRUM. The goal is to prevent any one person from hoarding knowledge and becoming the sole authority with an overview who can distribute tasks. Instead, the aim is to avoid that scenario. Daily meetings of 15 minutes foster transparency and bring everyone in the team or department up to speed.

No more Effort wasted in vain

The Daily makes it much less likely that team members work in parallel or unknowingly on the same topic. Some teams we work with can also eliminate many one-on-one conversations between managers and employees after a short period, as there is simply nothing left to discuss. Additionally, the weekly department meeting is either significantly shortened or used differently – status updates from individuals are omitted, allowing for discussions on topics that would otherwise get overlooked.

Bundling Tasks

Through the Daily, team members can find each other for tasks and topics and collaborate. I might discover that a colleague is developing a new approach for customer conversations – and I read something interesting about that just last week! I’ll send it to her right after the Daily. Instead of everyone working alone, we experience ourselves as a team again, connecting our various strengths and knowledge. This way, we support one another in achieving our common goals.

This is how #Daily works

The Daily takes place every workday: standing up, lasting a maximum of 15 minutes, with the goal of aligning on status and informing each other about open and completed tasks. The time, duration, and location remain the same, so there’s no need for constant re-scheduling. Participation is mandatory for all team members, and most importantly, it’s about exchanging ideas on equal footing, transparency, and synchronisation – not accountability.

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No more Effort wasted in vain

Bundling Tasks

This is how #Daily works

The Daily makes it much less likely that team members work in parallel or unknowingly on the same topic. Some teams we work with can also eliminate many one-on-one conversations between managers and employees after a short period, as there is simply nothing left to discuss. Additionally, the weekly department meeting is either significantly shortened or used differently – status updates from individuals are omitted, allowing for discussions on topics that would otherwise get overlooked.

Through the Daily, team members can find each other for tasks and topics and collaborate. I might discover that a colleague is developing a new approach for customer conversations – and I read something interesting about that just last week! I’ll send it to her right after the Daily. Instead of everyone working alone, we experience ourselves as a team again, connecting our various strengths and knowledge. This way, we support one another in achieving our common goals.

The Daily takes place every workday: standing up, lasting a maximum of 15 minutes, with the goal of aligning on status and informing each other about open and completed tasks. The time, duration, and location remain the same, so there’s no need for constant re-scheduling. Participation is mandatory for all team members, and most importantly, it’s about exchanging ideas on equal footing, transparency, and synchronisation – not accountability.


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