#Slack Time

A free time to think about personal, new projects, research ideas, and try them out.

Finally room for innovation

Companies need innovation. Full stop. When we speak with clients, we often hear that there’s no time for innovative ideas. Routine tasks tend to consume the entire workday, leaving only moments like in the shower or during a Sunday walk to let ideas flow. The #workhack Slack Time pushes back against this.

Breaking down Silos

Slack Time is particularly effective when people can work across departmental boundaries. Traditional structures have their place, but they also have their downsides: they encourage silo thinking, and Slack Time is a great "antidote" to this. Problems that have gone unsolved "within the structure" for a long time can sometimes disappear as if by magic during Slack Time.

Free Thinking

The unique aspect of Slack Time is the absolute openness to whatever might emerge during this period. Sometimes, good ideas can’t be planned; they just need time and space to flow freely, to let things unfold. By the way, the term Slack Time comes from sailing: it refers to the time when the sail isn’t taut but flutters instead.

This is how #Slack Time works

Slack Time is a regular, dedicated time slot for everyone to work freely on ideas, for example, twice a month, and it can apply to a department or the entire company. The only condition: the idea must be related to the company’s business, and at the end of each Slack Time, everyone briefly shares what they worked on during that time.

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Breaking down Silos

Free Thinking

This is how #Slack Time works

Slack Time is particularly effective when people can work across departmental boundaries. Traditional structures have their place, but they also have their downsides: they encourage silo thinking, and Slack Time is a great "antidote" to this. Problems that have gone unsolved "within the structure" for a long time can sometimes disappear as if by magic during Slack Time.

The unique aspect of Slack Time is the absolute openness to whatever might emerge during this period. Sometimes, good ideas can’t be planned; they just need time and space to flow freely, to let things unfold. By the way, the term Slack Time comes from sailing: it refers to the time when the sail isn’t taut but flutters instead.

Slack Time is a regular, dedicated time slot for everyone to work freely on ideas, for example, twice a month, and it can apply to a department or the entire company. The only condition: the idea must be related to the company’s business, and at the end of each Slack Time, everyone briefly shares what they worked on during that time.

#Slack Time

is part of these Journeys:

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