Connection Journey
Bringing you closer together. The Connection Journey helps to combat silo thinking, isolation from home office work, or a lack of trust within teams.

Diese Journey entlastet…
Zu viele Aufgaben, zu viele Meetings, zu viele Deadlines, zu viel. Wir hören von immer mehr Teams, die sich überlastet fühlen. Weiterbildungsprogramme, Workshops oder Coachings fühlen sich dann häufig nach zusätzlicher Arbeit an. “Auch das noch”.
Mit der Workload Journey wollen wir das Gegenteil schaffen: einen Raum zum Aufatmen. Mit #workhacks, die effizienter machen, helfen, den Überblick zu bewahren oder für weniger Hektik und mehr Fokus sorgen.
Biography Sharing
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Biography Sharing
This Journey strengthens relationships.
This Journey strikes at the heart and strengthens bonds, whether within a team or across departments in the whole company. With remote work and large-scale transformations, connections can sometimes slip away. The Connection Journey offers a solution. It focuses on solidarity, mutual understanding, the joy of community, and leads to growing motivation, purpose, and collective productivity!
About our Journeys
A Journey is a curated collection of carefully selected #workhacks. Together with our clients, we discuss the current challenges in the company and choose the fitting focus for the Journey.
A Journey typically includes six #workhacks, so there’s something for everyone to find two or three favourites. At the end of each Journey, there’s also a session focused on “Staying on Track”—because starting is easy, but sticking with it is the real art!
3 Flexible Formats
We offer our Journeys in three formats:
🏠 On-site workshops (1.5 to 4 hours)
💻 Interactive online workshops (1.5 hours per session)
🎬 Self-paced modules (3-6 minute short videos with supporting materials)
P.S.: The selection and order of #workhacks in this Journey are suggestions and can be customised to fit your needs.

Begin your Journey today!
Want to learn more or jump straight in? In a conversation together, we’ll find out which Journey is the best fit for you and when you can get started!