Complaint Free Month


Helps with

  • teams in which there is a lot of complaining and not everyone is happy about it – but it is taboo to make colleagues aware of their complaints.
  • the change of a corporate culture – away from destructive complaining to solution-oriented ideas.

To be considered

  • This #workhack can be introduced with a smile on your face – it should be a charming way for the whole team to reflect on their behavior. Make sure not to fall into the rationale of punishment.
  • There is no scientific definition of what exactly makes a simple comment a complaint. When something is a burden, the team has to repeatedly discuss it. A constructive idea to improve a condition is not necessarily a complaint.
  • Anyone who acts as „complaint police“ can go ahead and change their own bracelet to the other wrist right away.


  • Silicone bracelets or rubber bracelets – can also be ordered from our website
  • Will Bowen’s book “A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted“

The Complaint Free Month goes back to the “Complaint Free Movement” by Will Bowen. He started the self-experiment not to complain for a month and quickly realized how difficult it was.

Many people don’t even realize how often they complain instead of looking for solutions. The Complaint-Free Month is a playful opportunity to become aware of how restrictive and grueling frequent nagging can be in the long run for yourself and for the whole team. By observing yourself!

All members of the team receive a bracelet (which can be ordered from our website) and whenever someone complains, he or she changes the bracelet from one wrist to the other. The aim is not to have to change the bracelet for a whole working day. Frequent changes are not penalized – it is simply a matter of noticing the complaints.

Why for a month? Because a whole month allows the time to get more and more into a Complaint-free mode by not complaining every day.

Helps with

  • teams in which there is a lot of complaining and not everyone is happy about it – but it is taboo to make colleagues aware of their complaints.
  • the change of a corporate culture – away from destructive complaining to solution-oriented ideas.

To be considered

  • This #workhack can be introduced with a smile on your face – it should be a charming way for the whole team to reflect on their behavior. Make sure not to fall into the rationale of punishment.
  • There is no scientific definition of what exactly makes a simple comment a complaint. When something is a burden, the team has to repeatedly discuss it. A constructive idea to improve a condition is not necessarily a complaint.
  • Anyone who acts as „complaint police“ can go ahead and change their own bracelet to the other wrist right away.


  • Silicone bracelets or rubber bracelets – can also be ordered from our website
  • Will Bowen’s book “A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted“

Das Produkt zum #workhack

Beschwerdefreie Armbänder